Contact us
Opening hours
Monday–Friday 09.00–12.00 and 13.00–15.00.
Service telephone: Monday–Friday 09.00–15.00.
When you call us, you are given a set of options
Dial 1 – Ordering of application form for criminal injuries compensation
Here, you can leave your name and address and order an application form for criminal injuries compensation, if you are unable to print out the application form from our website.
Dial 2 – Guidance for lawyers
For lawyers who are working as legal counsels for injured parties, prosecutors, etcetera. Opening hours: 09.00–15.00.
Dial 3 – Claims
For you who have a debt to the Swedish Crime Victim Authority.
Dial 4 – Service telephone
A service for you who have questions about what amount of damages to claim, or general questions about your right to compensation.
Hold if you want to come in contact with a specific administrator, the Crime Victim Fund, or if you do not know which menu option to choose.
Opening hours: 09.00–15.00.
Direct Numbers
+46 (0)90-17 83 53
Postal Address
Swedish Crime Victim Authority
Box 470
S – 901 06 Umeå
Visiting Address
Storgatan 49, Umeå, Sweden