If you have been a victim of crime

You may be entitled to compensation
If you are a crime victim you may be entitled to compensation. There are three different types of compensation: damages paid by a perpetrator, insurance payments, and criminal injuries compensation from the state. You may be entitled to insurance payments and criminal injuries compensation even if the perpetrator is unknown.
Damages and insurance payments
If your case goes to trial, the court will determine how much the perpetrator has to pay in damages. You can turn to the Enforcement Authority for help in collecting damages. It is also possible to receive compensation via your home insurance, or from insurance taken out by your trade union and your employer, for example.
Criminal injuries compensation
You may be entitled to criminal injuries compensation from the state if you are unable to get full compensation from the perpetrator or via insurance. You have to report the crime to the police in order to be entitled to criminal injuries compensation. If the perpetrator is unknown there has to be an investigation, such as a preliminary investigation, which shows that you were the victim of a crime. If the police know who the perpetrator is, there usually has to be a conviction in order for you to be eligible for criminal injuries compensation.
Criminal injuries compensation is paid for crimes committed in Sweden. You may be entitled to compensation regardless of whether you live in Sweden or are here temporarily, for example as a tourist or a student. If you live in Sweden you may be entitled to criminal injuries compensation even if the crime in question was committed abroad.
What can I get criminal injuries compensation for?
Compensation may be paid for:
- serious violations of your personal integrity, if you were subjected to assault, unlawful threat, harassment, sexual offence, or robbery, for example
- costs for medical care, medicine, and counselling or psychotherapy, for example
- loss of income
- pain and suffering, experiencing pain or discomfort during your period of illness, for example
- permanent injuries, scars, impaired vision or hearing, for example
- damaged clothing and glasses, or similar things you were wearing or carrying when you were injured.
In exceptional cases you may receive compensation for ruined or stolen belongings, or for money if you were defrauded, for example.
How do I apply for criminal injuries compensation?
You apply for criminal injuries compensation from the Swedish Crime Victim Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten) by filling in a form or making an online application. You have to send your application to Brottsoffermyndigheten within three years of the crime being committed, the preliminary investigation being discontinued, or when it is no longer possible to appeal the judgement. Child victims can always apply for criminal injuries compensation until their 21st birthday.
Call Brottsoffermyndigheten on 090–70 82 00 if you want to know more about criminal injuries compensation and how to apply for it. You can also turn to crime victim helplines, women’s helplines or other non-profit organisations for help with making your application.
Where can I get support and help?
There are various authorities and organisations that can provide help and support. The police and the prosecutor are obliged to inform you about crime victims’ rights and help you claim damages. The social services in your municipality are responsible for ensuring that you as a crime victim, and your family, receive support and help. You can also contact the health and medical care services, or any non-profit organisation that provides support to crime victims.