The authority in numbers

Quick facts about the Swedish Crime Victim Authority.

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority holds approximately 60 employees, of which most are lawyers.

The largest area of activities is the determining and disbursement of criminal injuries compensation to crime victims. The number of applications for this kind of compensation is approximately 10 000 a year. The average turnaround time for applications concerning criminal injuries is less than three months, from registration to dispatch.

About 100 million SEK is paid out in criminal injuries compensation annually. Crimes of physical abuse against adults make up the largest share of the disbursed compensation, almost a quarter or 25 million SEK. Robbery and violence against women in close relationships also account for large shares of the total amount of compensation.

The revenues from the repayments of convicted offenders amount to approximately 40 million SEK per year, and this money funds one third of the total amount of criminal injuries compensation paid out.

The Crime Victim Fund is mainly built up through fees paid by convicted offenders, which generate about 50 million SEK every year. These funds are allocated to different crime victim oriented projects, research, and core financing to non-profit organizations. The Crime Victim Fund receives almost 500 applications every year.

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority’s information and training activities are largely based on local, regional, and national cooperation. Through lectures, training courses, and study visits, the authority reaches approximately 5 000 people directly, primarily those active in professions which have a responsibility for crime victims, or volunteers. The websites administered by the authority has close to 700 000 visitors annually.

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