Little – a children’s book for young crime victims

As a part of a governmental commission, the Swedish Crime Victim Authority has translated the children’s book Liten to English. The English title of the book is Little and it is a story about children’s rights and adults’ responsibilities.

“We hope that the book will be used in other countries too. Many children are exposed to crime. The book can be used when talking to children about how they feel and that there are adults who can help them”, says Annika Öster, head of the authority.

The book has been distributed to participants at the high-level conference Agenda 2030 for Children, End Violence Solutions Summit that took place in Stockholm on February 14-15 2017.

More about the book

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority in cooperation with Stina Wirsén and the publishing house Bonnier Carlsen, has produced the book Little. The book can be read for or with children and its aim is to help start a conversation with children about their feelings and rights.

It is a story about Little who feels scared at home. At home, there is fighting and the fights become big, too big, at Little’s home. In the end, Little tells a teacher at preschool about it and gets help.

Children who read the book get to know that there are many adults who are ready to help and that there are other children that are scared at home. By talking about how it is at home and how it feels when adults fight, children get an opportunity to share their own experiences. The book is especially suitable for children aged four to seven.

There is a browsable online version of the book in English. It is also possible to listen to the book in English on a computer, phone or tablet, read by the author and illustrator of the book Stina Wirsén.

The book Little in English as a browsable online version

The book little as an audio book



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